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A Detailed Lesson Plan in English

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I. Learning Objectives:
At the end of the period, the students are expected to:
1. Identify purposes in gathering information through interview.
2. Listen respectably to others in group discussions and activities.
3. Presents a talk show or interview with the use of the proper way in conducting interview.

II. Learning Content:
A. Topic: Gathering Information Through an Interview
B. Skill/ Competency: Formulate a meaningful question forms, short answers, and reply questions
C. Values: Respect and Cooperation
D. References: Lapid Serano, “English Communication Arts and Skill Through Filipino Literature”, p.56
E. Materials: flash cards, visual aids and strips

III. Learning Experiences
Teacher’s Activity
Students’ Activity
A. Preliminaries
1. Checking of Assignment

2. Drill

Teacher will direct the students to speaking activity. Post list of words written in a cartolina. Model how the words should be pronounced, asked them to construct a sentence and recite it to class. comfortable picture selected

constructed resources repertoire
summary enjoyable excited

3. Review
(The teacher will ask questions about the previous topic.)

What are synonyms and antonyms?

So, what is the purpose of knowing what is antonyms and synonyms?

A. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation
(The teacher will introduce a game which is the “Make them Laugh Game”) The teacher let the students group their selves in two teams and make them face to each other. A member from each team walks down the opposing team line. The opposing team members try and make the volunteer smile or laugh. The members in line are not allowed to touch or talk as the volunteer passes by. If the volunteer smiles or laugh they join the opposing team. The game continues until each member on the team is a volunteer. The winner is the team with the most players at the end of the game.

2. Presentation of Topic and Objectives.

The teacher let the students read the learning objectives.

3. Discussion

(The teacher will begin the lesson proper.)

What is an interview?

Very Good! Since, you know what is interview then we will proceed to the purposes of having an interview.

(The teacher let a student read the purposes of an interview which is posted in the board.) (The teacher will explain and also get the idea of the students about the purposes.)

(The teacher gives the characteristics of an effective interview and explains it.) Planning
Relevant questions
Objective interviewer
(The teacher presents and explain the Do’s and Dont’s)
Dos and Don’ts of Interviewing:
(1) Consult counsel once allegations are made.
(2) Prepare and discuss an interview plan or theme.
(3) Conduct one interview at a time, unless the situation dictates otherwise. (4) Arrange a safe and private interview location.
(5) Gather and organize pertinent documents before the interview. (6) Obtain information concerning the person being interviewed before the interview. (7) Exhibit courteous and professional appearance and behavior at all times. (8) Be punctual.

(9) Conduct the interview with more than one person.
(10) Establish rapport during initial contact.
(11) Maintain control in the interview.
(12) Close on a positive note for future contacts.
(13) Prepare reports as close as possible to interview.
(14) Listen to your instincts.
(1) Conduct interview without a plan of action.
(2) Fail to discuss the interview with partner.
(3) Argue with interviewee.
(4) Lose objectivity during the interview.
(5) Become judgmental during a confession.
(6) Include personal opinions in notes or written reports.
(7) Provide promises or assurances.
(8) Threaten interviewee with disclosure of interview results, discipline, or job security. (9) Discuss interviews with anyone outside of the investigation.


How does an interview become effective?

4. Application

This time, we will have a group activity. I want you to group yourselves into 2 groups. You will have to perform what is written in the strips that I will give to you and you are only given 5 minutes to do the activity.

Time is up! Everyone settle down. We will now start the presentation and we will start from the group 1.

Please, give yourselves a round of applause for a creative presentation.

Okay, get a sheet of paper and answer the following.

IV. Evaluation

In a one sheet of paper answer the following questions:

1. Why is there a need to be kept by the interviewer the facts he/she had gathered in an interview? 2. Cite a situation where you had gather information of a person and where you able to have an effective interview?

V. Assignment:

In a short bond paper, answer the boxes in the page 57 of your book.

Students will pass their papers in front.

Students will recite their constructed sentences.

Synonyms are words having the same or nearly the same meaning as another word or other words in a language. Antonyms are words having a meaning opposite to that of another word.

Knowing synonyms and antonyms is useful because it can widen our vocabulary since these are words which can be used to replace the common words being uttered by people.

Learning Objectives:
At the end of the period, the students are expected to:
1. Identify purposes in gathering information through interview. 2. Listen respectably to others in group discussions and activities. 3. Presents a talk show or interview with the use of the proper way in conducting interview.

An interview is a conversation between two or more people where questions are asked by the interviewer to elicit facts or statements from the interviewee.

The primary purpose of most interviews is to gather evidence through facts and other information supplied by witnesses. With each successive interview, the interviewers should obtain background information about the witnesses, the subject matter of the investigation, and the potential suspects. Efforts should be made during the interviews to identify new records and additional witnesses. A variety of interview methods will be discussed; however, regardless of the methods used, interviews generally should strive to answer basic questions: who, what, where, when, how and why.

An interview is effective if you can gather information, data or facts from the interviewee and if the interviewer has its objective in conducting the interview.

The students will plan for a creative way in conducting an interview with the different topic given.

The students will perform their assigned task per group.

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