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Abstract for Cognitive Behavior Therapy

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Cognitive behavioral group therapy is based on behavioral practitioners using a brief, active, directive. Collaborative, present-focused, didactic, psychoeducational model of therapy that relies on empirical validation of its concepts, and techniques (Reinecke & Freeman, 2003). Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) had replaced the term behavioral therapy. The cognitive behavioral approach to groups currently represents the mainstream of contemporary behavior therapy.

Definition of Cognitive Behavior Theory 2 Cognitive behavioral group therapy is an efficient form of treatment for wide range of specific problems for diverse client populations ( Bieling, McCabe, & Anthony, 2006; white & Freeman, 2000). Cognitive Behavior Theory (CBT) is a psychotherapeutic approach is a talking therapy. CBT is aims to solve problems concerning dysfunctional emotions, behaviors and cognitions through a goal-oriented systemic procedures in the present. It is based on the Cognitive Model Response. CBT – behavioral therapy group approach is based on the idea that our thoughts cause our feelings and behaviors, not external things, like people, situations, and events. The benefit of this fact is that we can change the way we think to feel act better even if the situation does not change. These are some assumptions of cognitive behavioral therapy: (a) A basic assumption of the cognitive behavioral perspective is that most problematic behaviors, cognitions, and emotions have been learned and can be modified by new learning.

This process is often called “ therapy,” yet a significant component of the process is educational. Members of a group are involved in a teaching and learning process and are taught how to develop a new perspective on ways of learning. (b) Another assumption of the behavior orientation is that the behavior that clients express are the problem ( not merely symptoms of the problems). According to the Corey, successful resolution of these problematic behaviors resolves the problem, and a new set of problems does not arise. (c) Group practitioners who function within a cognitive behavioral may develop techniques and strategies from diverse theoretical viewpoint. However, the effectiveness of these methods in meeting therapeutic goals should be scientifically demonstrate.

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