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Establish and Adjust the Marketing Mix

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Assessment will be undertaken off the job in a classroom, or via distance education. Distance education can be accessed via an online classroom or via correspondence (by email, Facebook, Skype, etc.). Access is to be provided to simulated or authentic workplace documents. Assessment of this unit of competence requires access to workplace documents policies and procedures, computers and other office equipment. Clustering/holistic assessment

Holistic assessment with other units relevant to the industry sector, workplace and job role is recommended, for example: 1. BSBMKG501B Identify and evaluate marketing opportunities
2. other marketing units.
Learner characteristics
Participants in this unit can include individuals in marketing management roles responsible for developing the marketing and promotional mix within an organisation, or individuals who wish to take on such a role within their organisation. Learners may come from a range of backgrounds, such as:

3. school leavers
4. learners little or no work experience
5. learners from non-English speaking backgrounds.
Part B
Evidence requirements
Through review of the unit of competency, the following evidence has been identified as appropriate for this unit: Evaluate each component of the
marketing mix
6. Identify key characteristics of products or services and estimate their significance to the marketing mix. 7. Review pricing policy and analyse pricing variables to determine their effect on demand. 8. Analyse promotional methods to determine their importance to the marketing mix. 9. Review channels of distribution and estimate their significance in relation to the marketing mix. 10. Identify and analyse level of customer service provision to determine its significance to the marketing mix. 11. Identify potential customer base and key pressure points for success. 12. Analyse and test the effect that the components of the marketing mix have on each other, and establish their relative importance to customer base. Determine the marketing mix for specific markets

13. Identify and assess environmental factors for their impact on the marketing mix. 14. Identify consumer priorities, needs and preferences that affect the marketing mix. 15. Consider product, pricing, promotional, distribution and service variations, and evaluate these against marketing objectives, target market characteristics and desired positioning. 16. Select the marketing mix that best satisfies target market and meets marketing objectives. 17. Ensure marketing mix decisions meet organisational, strategic and operational marketing objectives. Monitor and adjust the marketing mix

18. Monitor the marketing mix against marketing performance and isolate components for testing. 19. Evaluate implications of altering one or more components of the marketing mix in relation to market factors and consumer response. 20. Adjust the components of the marketing mix in response to test results and evaluation of market response. 21. Ensure the adjusted marketing mix meets budgetary requirements. 22. Ensure the adjusted marketing mix continues to meet organisational, strategic and operational marketing objectives, and desired positioning. Dimensions of competency

Requires the participant to:
23. Evaluate components of the marketing mix.
24. Determine the marketing mix for specific markets.
Task management
25. Identify the key characteristics of a product to ensure that each is addressed in the marketing mix. Market performance must meet organisational, strategic and operational marketing objectives. Contingency management

26. Monitor and adjust the components of the marketing mix and evaluate the implications of these adjustments in relation to market factors and consumer responses. Job role/environment
27. Consider the responsibilities of marketing managers and their role in developing and maintaining an effective marketing mix. Assessment methods and tasks
Methods of assessment
Through consultation with industry, the following assessment methods have been deemed appropriate for this unit: Written report
28. The candidate is to write a report on the Braaap organisation. The report should address the key characteristics of the product and estimate their significance to the market, the promotion methods and each component of the marketing mix. Evaluating the individual and combined contribution to the organisation’s marketing objectives and strategies. Project work

29. The candidate is to write and present a report on the marketing mix in their own workplace or one they are familiar with. The report should evaluate all components of the marketing mix and market performance. 30. The report and the presentation should consider the adjusted key characteristics of the product, the promotion methods, each component of the marketing mix and evaluate the contribution to the organisation’s marketing objectives, strategies and desired positioning. Evidence – workplace documents

31. Review of authenticated documents from the workplace or training environment 32. Students should gather appropriate workplace documents in support and evidence of their research, planning and testing including: mission statements and objectives

market research reports, identifying target markets
marketing plans and strategies, including budgets
marketing mix components and monitoring processes.
Presentation and observation
The candiate is to deliver a 15 minute presentation on their project work. To be delivered either in class or submitted electronically for distance learners. Critical aspects of evidence

As specified in the unit of competency, evidence of the following is essential. 33. Developing a report containing a description of activities undertaken to establish a marketing mix in an organisation, including information on each element of the marketing mix, such as: levels of customer service to be provided

how a product or service will be distributed
how a product or service will be priced
whether additional products or services will be offered
how the product or service will be promoted.
34. Reporting on at least one review of the success of marketing mix activities developed including coverage of any necessary adjustments made. Knowledge and skills
Required skills:
35. Culturally appropriate communication skills to relate to people from diverse backgrounds and with diverse abilities. 36. Literacy skills to analyse market information, write in a range of styles for different audiences and interpret requirements. 37. Numeracy skills to interpret testing results and to manage marketing budgets. 38. Organisational and time management skills to design and adjust a marketing mix. Required knowledge:

39. Provisions of relevant legislation that may affect aspects business operations, codes of practice and national standards such as: anti-discrimination legislation and principles of equal opportunity, equity and diversity ethical principles.

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