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Narrative Organizer

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Fernando hurts and embarrasses the narrator

Fernando decides he will get revenge on the narrator
Fortunato has hurt the narrator a thousand times, but when Fortunato almost insults him, the narrator swears there will be payback. Fernando’s weakness is introduced into the story.

Fernando has his love of wine, but other than that, he is a “respected” and “feared” person. Meaning he isn’t really a bad guy. The narrator meets Fernando and he is somewhat drunk and dressed like a jester. He tells Fortunato that he’s on his way to see Luchesi, who will be able to tell him if the Amontillado is the real thing.

Trying to seem sincere the narrator acts as if he doesn’t want to go but Fernando insist and that is just what the narrator wanted. Getting him even more drunk the narrator continues with his plan Fortunato says he should be getting back to “Lady Fortunato” and the other people.

The narrator agrees and carries out the deed killing Fernando When the narrator gets no response after calling Fernando’s name, he shines his light in the hole, and then hears “a jingling of bells.” That’s when he puts in the last brick, covers it with plaster, then sticks a bunch of bones on top of “the new masonry.”

Part Two
Directions: Write the introduction for your Narrative Essay, following the guidelines you were taught. The introduction should be approximately 150-200 words in length and may include dialogue. The force that drives Montresor to commit the horrible murder of Fernando is his powerful desire for revenge. The opening lines of the story, Montresor says, “The thousand injuries of Fernando had borne as I best could; but when he ventured upon insult, I vowed revenge. The idea of revenge is brought up several times in the opening paragraph. Montresor says, “I must not only punish, but punish with impunity.

It is obvious to the reader that Montresor vowed revenge. Poe isolates the act of revenge throughout the story by not revealing the motive behind Montresor’s crime. To accomplish his revenge, Montresor leads Fernando down into the catacombs in search of Amontillado Fernando prides himself on being a connoisseur of wine. When achieving his revenge, Montresor uses Fernando love for wine against him. “Is it further on? Fernando asks. His love for wine generates motivation. What he does not know is that this motive of love will pursue him to his death. But what happens next you ask? Well we shall see.

Part Three
Directions: Write the body of your Narrative Essay. Use the space provided to plan the dialogue and sensory details you will include as you write the body of your essay. This portion should be approximately 600-800 words in length. Be sure to follow the tips and guidelines provided in the lessons. Dialogue Details

Part Four
Directions: Choose one passage (200-250 words) of your narrative essay to rewrite, adding descriptive language and sensory details wherever possible. Highlight your revisions. Submissions without highlighting will be returned for revisions.

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