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Abraham Maslow: Primate Dominance Behavior

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Abraham Maslow was born in United State of America in New York in April first 1908. Since he was from traditional family, and he was the eldest brother he was supposed to take care of his six brothers and sisters. However, his father wanted Abraham to be successful. Therefore, he was very interested to take Abraham with him to his work. Since he was spending his time helping his father Abraham spent his childhood without any friends, which made him very interested in reading. Abraham studied law for three semesters after that he knew that not what he wants to do in his life, so he decided to drop his studies. Later on Abraham went to Wisconsin University and got his B.A in psychology. His curiosity in knowledge pushed him to complete his master and doctoral degrees in the same field.

Abraham knew his next stage after published a few papers in primate dominance behavior and that was his start in field of studying behavior. His next stage was about the growth and evolution, which led him to focus in the social behavior, personal traits, self-esteem, and motivation theory, in relation to human beings. Abraham taught psychology in Brooklyn College for fourteen years. Therefore, some of his greatest works was during this time. Abraham chose to start studying the human nature by studying and observing animals behavior. The similarity between monkeys and human made the best choice for Abraham to begun. During his position in Brooklyn College he decided to shift his studies from animals to humans.

However, Abraham made a field studies about Canada’s Blackfoot Indians this experiment made him believe that to understand people from different cultures we must study their daily life, also that people around the world have the same needs. To start understand the real human nature and potential we must study the people emotions. While as he pursuing his studies, and researches Abraham got sick with a mystery illness, so he moved to California for working with his brother to support his family. This experience in his brother cooperage made Maslow understand more about human needs. Abraham passed his illness and got back to his track in teaching this time in Brandeis University. During this time in Brandeis University he published his famous book Motivation and Personality, and most of his great works.

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