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Andy Warhol S Marilyn Monroe

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Andy Warhol’s Marilyn Monroe print to everybody has a different meaning. To some it can be a work of art, a true masterpiece, but to others it can be seen as simply just a painting. To me at first I saw simply just a painting, I did not see it as anything special but when I started toying with the colors and hues and saturations I began to see different things. It was necessarily the picture itself but different colors reminded me of different experiences throughout my life and different things I have seen. Many people do not realize it and I was one of those people, but different colors do provide different moods. For me when I was looking at the picture there was a time when the face of Marilyn was bright green, almost neon. When I saw this it reminded me of the very first time I saw Jim Carrey play in the movie The Mask. Jim Carrey is one of the actors of this generation who I have grown to really enjoy watching. No matter the movie, he was blessed with the ability to make people laugh from the bottom of their belly. In The Mask he plays as a newspaper writer who by day is a shy, unconfident man who is not very outgoing. But by night when he puts on the mask he becomes the complete opposite.

The mask is said to bring out a mans inner-most desires and when Carrey puts it on he becomes a man who is basically a hopeless romantic and a clown making the audience laugh without abandon. Another time I clicked the “random” button and a baby blue color came into the background and it reminded me of the time I went to Cliff Lake. Cliff Lake is a place just outside Yellowstone National Park where I had the best experience of my life. This lake was made by the runoff of snow from the mountains surrounding it on all sides. The water in this lake looks like that of the Caribbean Sea. Also, because the water was from the melted snow it was around forty degrees and the sand around the lake on a few places was white sand. It is a little piece of heaven in the middle of the mountains. And to top it all off along the left side of the lake there were three or four ropes swings a ways up the mountainside to swing into the lake. I truly can not describe the feeling you get when you get up the side of the mountain and take that jump holding onto the rope and when you let go being fifty to sixty feet above he water and as you let go looking down into the crystal clear blue water that when you enter it takes your breath away from the sheer chill of the water.

A third mood I encountered was one time the screen turned black completely and it reminded me of the time I went to one of my friend’s father’s funeral who died of kidney cancer while his daughter was still a senior in high school. I have never seen so many people at a funeral and her father was one of the greatest men I have ever met. He cared about everybody, never complained about the situation he was in, and he always wanted what was best for his two daughters no matter what.

The picture and different colors to me brought back different memories and different situations. I’m sure other people saw the picture differently but that’s the beauty of art. It is one of the few things that people can all interpret differently and one of the things has different meaning for everyone.

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