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Beach Essays

Sediment Budget in Direction of Longshore Drift on Changi Beach, Singapore

Introduction Changi Beach is one of the longest natural beaches in the north-eastern part of Singapore. The northern part of the beach is extended as a spit, a landform of coastal deposition. Spits are accumulations of beach material which result from longshore drift. Longshore drift is a process which causes …

How Does Beach Sediment Vary Along the Coast Between Lochranza and Catacol?

Hypothesis For my investigation we studied a 550m stretch of beach between Lochranza and Catacol on the Isle of Arran, as shown on the OS map (page 2). On this beach it consisted of many granite and phylite pebbles. Phylite could have ended up here from erosion from the cliffs …

Describe and Explain How Waves Influence Beach Profiles

Waves are the main factor of shaping the coast. Their erosive capacity is partly due to the effect of impacts of water against the coast and partly due to the action of beach material moved by the waves themselves. Nevertheless, there are several factors that influence the erosive force of …

The Beach

The sunrise. What a sight. The dreary dark of the night is lifting. It is being invaded by my strong sunrays. The silver ark has finally vanished. The night finished, my stretched arms appear filling the beach like a toddler colouring in their colouring book. Not perfect but getting there. …

Compare Seaford's Method of Coastal Defence With The One at Colchester

Due to global warming, sea levels have risen by about 20 cm over the last 100 years. In UK, coastal areas are now more vulnerable to flooding and erosion. To defend the local settlements, various methods could be used: Seaford (Beach Nourishment): In Seaford, the beach is nourished with shingles …

An Analysis of Dover Beach

Faith is a strong force. It drives people everyday from normal living, to radical acts. Matthew Arnold describes faith through symbolism in his poem Dover Beach. Mankind had faith at one point, full and glorious and proud. Just like a cliff though, the water can erode the mountainside little by …

Top Beach Resorts in the World: An Analysis

Introduction Traveling around the world is a-dream-come-true for a lot of people.  People travel for relaxation or break from the chains of boredom in their “regular life”, to taste the different flavors of the world, to see the various wonders and places in the world and to get exposed to …

The Beach During The Day and At Night

Ask any couple about a romantic place and more than often you will hear the word “beach”. Beaches are the most romantic places, and the most sought after destinations on the list of tourists. There are many ways of experiencing the joy of beach, first of which is visiting it …

A Day at the Beach

I took a look up into the cloudless, cerulean blue sky and quickly my mind was at ease. I close my eyes, allowing myself to absorb the blistering rays of the sun. I am taken away by the soothing sounds that encircle me. I take a deep breath in; the …

Boracay Beach Resort Top Tourist Destination in the Philippines

Boracay is a small island in the Philippines located approximately 315 km south of Manila and 2 km off the northwest tip of Panay Island in the Western Visayas region of the Philippines. Boracay Island and its beaches have received awards from numerous travel publications and agencies. The island comprises …

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