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Conclusion About Premarital Sex

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One phenomenon, more than any has seemed to concern a great deal of people, especially on the part of those who are affected by it. It has caused unwanted pregnancies, the spreading of diseases, a lot of guilt, and not to mention, the decrease of teenage virginity. This is if you have guessed it, premarital sex. From the word itself you will know that is simply means sex before marriage. Quiet a lot are into this and those who engage in this often do so because they want to be accepted by their peers, they hope for pleasure and they want the fulfillment of their sexual desires. The wide acceptance of premarital sex in today’s society is a dramatic change from the traditional moral values of the past! Our society has accepted a morally permissible attitude towards premarital sex. All forms of immorality are glorified through the internet, TV, videos, movies, magazines, and billboards.

Both teens and adults are indulging in sexual immorality because of the modern philosophy as stated to it. While premarital sex is considered sinful activities by the community, sexual intercourse between a man and a woman is to be reserved for their union upon marriage when they become with God. This custom this custom was put into effect to mitigate the desire for premarital sex in biblical times, a man was not prohibited from having sexual relations with a woman, as long as it led to marriage therefore no sanction was imposed for premarital sex but it was considered a violation of custom. The only limits placed on sexual activities are prohibitions against adultery and incest.

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