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Empathic Response: Cecily’s Diary

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Today has been a wonderful day, one of the most delightful ones I have ever had. I have finally met him, diary, I have finally met the one, Ernest Worthing! I am still speechless and astonished. I thought I would have never met him, I thought that he would remain in my dreams forever, but there he was, standing right in front of me. There was a spark in his eyes that attracted me particularly. The incomparable part though, was when he introduced himself to me. The moment he pronounced those letters and the delicate, though, powerful name composed itself in the air surrounding us created such vibration and confidence in me. My dream has always been to marry a man with the name of Ernest. I knew from that moment on, we were meant for each other. I must say, though, I was quite disappointed to discover that he wasn’t as handsomely wicked as I thought he would be, and the way he claimed that I was “little” was utterly offensive and my patience seemed to have went for a walk in the park.

I know perfectly well that I look quite plain after I lose my patience. Putting that aside, though, he is such an irresistibly charming man. We talked for long about our feelings until the never ending wait for the epic proposal finally came to an end. Expressing the joy I am feeling at the moment would sound entirely meaningless in simple words. My heart beats slightly faster than usual when I try to explain it to you, diary, but there is the chance that if I do not enter all of the wonderful secrets of my life, I shall probably forget all about them. Although I highly doubt that I could forget such inexplicable moment. Ernest Worthing proposed to me, diary, he finally asked me to marry him and to be his wife until death does us part. I am exaggeratedly impatient for the wedding. My only concern is how uncle jack will behave to the news; I am quite in tranquil about his reaction. I know for sure that he was not particularly happy about me meeting his wicked brother Ernest; I could not even imagine what he will think about us being engaged!

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