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Journalism Essays

Truth and Honesty in the Media

In a world surrounded by mass media, we depend on truthful and honest information to form accurate conceptions of current events and issues. Journalists, editors, producers and broadcasters should do their best to convey information that reflects the truth. Truth and the public’s right to information should be the basic …

Reader response journal for Alice Walker's The Color Purple

Entry 1 “You better not never tell nobody but God. It’d kill your mammy.” Alice Walker, the author of The Color Purple, begins her novel with an ambiguous threat. A fairly powerful, yet unexplained, quote begins a very powerful novel. Before opening this book, I had no idea how it …

Macbeth - William Shakespeare Response Journal: Act 2

This act commences with the murder of King Duncan. It is in this act that the reader is first convinced of Macbeth’s weakness, as contrasted by Lady Macbeth’s strength. Whereas Macbeth feels remorse for his actions, and wishes that his king could once more wake, Lady Macbeth contemplates on how …

Good journalism v.s. Bad journalism

Often, people come across bad journalism. It comes in numerous forms. Sometimes it is in the form of textbooks, television, and radio broadcasts. These stories are biased and untruthful. Often, lies are added to support the journalist’s opinion. Bad journalism is heavily opinionated and gives incorrect perceptions of things. One …

The role of the mass media in American politics today

The mass media today play a vital role in American politics and possess a vast amount of power with reference to the political process. A role is defined as characteristic and expected social behaviour and the function, position or actions taken by a required person or group. (web reference 1) …

Journal Entry as a Freed Slave

My name is Malcolm Xavier and I am writing this note on a piece of paper that I found lying on the floor. Today is a Friday on June 23, 1865, and I am really happy and depressed right now because I am free and I am no longer any …

Reflection Journal

Laws and Rules of the Road Create a car saying (Bumper Sticker) or a Road Sign (Billboard) that would describe one main point you learned in Module 5. This is an example of a bumper sticker from a former student: ““Driving the right speed is always a good deed. Enjoy …

Scholarly Journals

Create at least three procedures for walking to and working at the lab stations 5.Sierra, a student in Ms. Gardner’s science class, is shy and often anxious. However, when working with a partner at a lab station, she usually is very talkative. This disruptive behavior often results in her and …

Frankenstein Dialectical Journals

“I try in vain to be persuaded that the pole is the seat of frost and desolation… and diffusing a perpetual splendour” (7, 8). It is interesting to see how this person describes the North Pole because in reality the North pole is a place full of ice where few …

Their Eyes were watching god dialectical journals

Interpretation What is important about this passage? What is its effect or purpose? “Ships at a distance have every man’s wish on board. For some they come…. That is the life of men.” Chapter 1 Page 1 Paragraph 1 This paragraph is the introduction to the whole novel. Usually an …

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