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Importance of tolerance in a society

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According to Oxford Dictionary the word tolerance means:

“The willingness to accept or to tolerate somebody or something especially opinions, behaviors that you may not agree with or people who are not like you”

Tolerance as defined above means ability to live in a peaceful manner with other people. It is the skill which refers to the society where people of different backgrounds, cultures and religions are living together, and where the world has become multicultural and full of diversity, establishing tolerance and harmony has become very crucial and important, and fostering mutual love and affection has become vital. Without tolerance and harmony the lasting peace of societies cannot be maintained, and loyalty for each other cannot be established. It is the duty of peoples to tolerate each other in a sensible way as it is clear that:

“The essence of life is love and without it there is no peace at all” In this age of globalization practicing tolerance becomes crucial amongst the peoples. Lack of tolerance leads to fighting, violence, and finally it destroys the peace and security of society. When people fail in their arguments they become intolerant, and then they use force and aggression to support their point of view.

Tolerance developed a society in which people fells valued and respected, every person has room for living with his/her own ideas, thoughts and wishes. If there is no tolerance in a society then it is not place where human can live but it resembles the jungle where everyone can do wrong to others and there is no authority to stop them. Practicing tolerance is essential in all walks of life. A society becomes more liable and sensible in which peoples have tolerance

Written By Fazeel Ahmed Khan

towards other peoples because tolerance is the essential aspect of healthy and livable society. It leads to economics, social, political, emotional and prosper future to our new generation why because peace is one the pillar of any society to grow and leads to its highest of its peak of excellence. If in a society every person will have respected by his/her own ideas thoughts and wishes than it is crystal clear that every person have respect towards his/her society. After all

“Man is the rational animal”
If he feels that his self integrity has certain restriction on his/her life then man can go at his worst level to accomplished his needs, if every person has their rights, so the society has unbelievable expeditions.

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