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Infection Control Argumentative

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Infection control in a health care facility is the prevention of the spread of microorganisms between patient to patient, patient to staff member, and staff member to patient. Health care workers. All health care workers who have contact with patients and equipment must all adhere to the Infection Control Policies and Procedures to prevent from spreading infection to one another. In most of the health care facilities, many ill people are being treated and cared for so they are a lot of microorganisms present. Patients will come in contact with many staff members who may or may not be already infected. Therefore, controlling the spread of infection is important in the health care field. If all employees of health care practice good hygiene and Standard Precautions, it would minimize the risk of getting infected. Standard Precautions include good hand washing, appropriate use of gloves, safe use of and disposal of equipments, and etc. Standard Precautions will help stop infections from spreading. Often you can’t tell who is infected or note, therefore, you should treat all body substances of all people as potential sources of infection. Personal View:

I think that infection control is an important precaution in protecting the patient and yourself from potentially getting infected. If you work in the healthcare field, you are more likely to get infected everyday because of the equipment we handle and the people we meet in the health care facility. Using Standard Precautions before/after meeting a patient is helpful to preventing the spread of microorganisms between other patients and staff members.

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