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Installing Fedora Linux

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  • Pages: 2
  • Word count: 251
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In the space provided below, write a minimum of five college-level sentences in your own words that describe your experiences with this lab assignment. Include an overview of the major tasks accomplished in this lab and any difficulties you encountered in the completion of this lab assignment. Overall the simulation was very smooth and easy to operate. Basically all I had to do was pay attention to detail and follow the given steps. It was a bit more challenging having to use the arrow keys instead of my mouse but as I mentioned the Level of difficulty was relatively easy.

The most trouble I had was actually in the first screen I kept getting an error to load the dvd. But after troubleshooting I found out I had to reset device controls in ELemnt-K not the virtual simulation. Overall the simulation was very smooth and easy to operate. Basically all I had to do was pay attention to detail and follow the given steps. It was a bit more challenging having to use the arrow keys instead of my mouse but as I mentioned the Level of difficulty was relatively easy. The most trouble I had was actually in the first screen I kept getting an error to load the dvd. But after troubleshooting I found out I had to reset device controls in ELemnt-K not the virtual simulation.

In the space provided below, paste the graphic of the Fedora Linux desktop you captured during the lab.

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