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A Reflection Paper of Mumbaki Film Argumentative

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These Iambus offers prayers during wedding, thanksgiving, funeral and other occasions. They have memorized almost every oral traditions, stories and lineages which are passed on from generation to generations which they perform as rituals. The story is about the son of an Fugal Chieftain named Joseph who returns to his tribe after the death of his father (an alfalfa Chieftain who was killed in a tribal dispute with the Limit tribe. He was about to live the Philippine to US with is fiance©e, however was obliged to return to the Iliad tribe where he was chosen to lead the battle against the Limit tribe.

Joseph is a young doctor who return to bury his father. While there, he discovers his rich heritage and acquire pride in his being an alfalfa. He is unable to resist the urge to help his village, which has resisted modern medicine and is in the midst of pneumonia epidemic and civil war. It covers the adaptation new way of curing illness of people but it will disobey their beliefs where they believe that their “Bake” or Gods may perish hem in any curse.

The story begins with the conflict between the unsettled marriage. And also they argued about the boundaries of their territories, where who should own the old tree between the two tribe. Each them ask explanation that ends up the leader of Iliad tribes death and those start of the beginning of war for revenge and justice. The Iliad tribe believes that once they cannot have the justice of death of the leader they will suffer like experiencing different illness and wars that may cause to death of other people too.

And all the tribe in Fugal does not believe the medicine that given to them by their doctor. They believe that only their Iambi can help and save them with help of their Bake because he is the one sent by Bake to save them. But the epidemic disease become worst which lead to death of many people. Nowadays, scientist, doctors, engineers, etc… Discover many things that could help our society to become more progressive to cure many diseases and illness and in terms of communication and transportation we are now more advance.

But sometimes because of our culture, all belief and practices hinder our minds to accept those things and also the tradition of different people there are instances because of hatred it will only caused a never ending war but we have one country, one government to maintain the peace and settled every problems we have through peace talk and court trials, we should respect the value of life of every individual. When you’re trying to use new changes it doesn’t mean you betrayed your traditions. You are only open minded that could help for a certain circumstances.

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