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Questions on the Film, The Pursuit of Happyness

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It also pains him to see his son’s face, when they discuss about the rent and that’s when he really realizes that he has to do something about this situation. . What was Chris’ plan/strategy to achieve his dream? He was selling medicals machines, but when the market began to go down and he couldn’t sell the machines he was frustrated and didn’t know what do to. One day he met a guy with a nice car and asked him “how can you do it? ” the man said, “I’m a stockbroker” and in that moment he sees everyone around him being happy and he decides to go for the job as a stockbroker.

He applied to get the job, but his qualifications weren’t as good as others because he didn’t finish school when he was a young kid. He ended up getting a job interview anyway ND to his surprise he got the chance to get the job if he could pass the bar. 3. What barriers/struggles did Chris face in this pursuit? He has to face that he couldn’t sell the medical machines to pay the rent and that his wife ends up leaving him and his son. He also has to struggle to do both studying for stockbroker and selling the machines at the same time.

He could still not pay the rent and ends up being homeless with his son. Everyday he had to struggle with being finish with the classes, so he and his son could get to the homeless centre before it got full. 4. How did he respond to each barrier/struggle? He responds to these struggles by still being positive and strong for his son, so they could get a place to stay every night. Hopefully he could pass the bar so he could get the job and begin to earn some money.

He has all odds against him but he was still trying to find a way so he could make it all at one day; working, picking up his son and going to the homeless centre. 5. What character traits do you see in Chris at different points in the movie and how do those traits have an effect on his achievement of his dream? Through the movie we see Chris with different character traits such as a strong man who tries o get everything to work out. Sometimes he still breaks down because of grief and hard times.

Even though he feels down sometimes he always manages to get up again. He uses the grief of not being able to take care of his family as a power to get up again and to be strong and positive for his son. 6. How does this film exemplify the following statement from the Declaration of Independence which Chris refers to throughout the film: ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

It means that everyone is born equal and that everyone has the right to live, have freedom and to pursue happiness. That we all are equal no matter what race we are, if we are rich or poor or what sexual interest we have. We are all human beings who have the right to reach our goals in life, no matter what these goals are. Indoor: Du sparer good go grinding p SPёresemble go hard bal. A. En god erredёreels for hopelessness karate’s. Du FRR cogs severe p diet existed SPёRiggs, some Engle oaf jeer faint evangelist. Spoor: Bill I en did, du shifter oaf go till melee undid go dated.

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