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Panera bread

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The Panera bread comes a long way from its origin to where it is today. According to the Chief Executive Officer, Ron Shaich, it has been through focusing on the goals that have already been set in the organization that has made them earn the success (Bradshaw, Cammett & Panera Bread, 2004). In the beginning, he laid a strategy of how he would want his business to be and this enables him to control his workers and guide them through the right path of the organizational goals and objectives. He focused on being unique and grows his business in a step by step way and through making guided decisions with the help of all the stakeholders of this organization.

Ron treasures his workers and makes them feel that they are a part of his firm. He works with them in the shop and motivates them through giving them a chance to take part in the decision making process. He interacts with the customers as they enjoy their meals. It is through such interactions that he makes them feel free to express their thoughts and ideas regarding the products and services of his organization. He puts their ideas into consideration and makes the necessary changes if any (Schermerhorn, 2010). As seen in the video, he is one free man and humble, enough to accommodate everyone in his business. Through such interactions and openness with customers, he gets to earn their trust and this is the same case with how the workers relate with customers.

Paneraā€™s foods are well prepared and their novelty also enables customers to trust the firm. All the stakeholders of this organization are proud to be associated with it and this makes the firm have a good reputation even to the public.

The website is remarkable and indicates that this is a food and drink business and these products are quality which would attract any person. It represents the quality of the products from this company so that even by the look of it, high quality products are an assurance. I like the combination of all the foods and the drinks and the incorporation of all their activities in this site. This is one of the strategies that lead to the widening of the customer base of this firm as products are advertised worldwide.

I donā€™t like the choice of their background color as it is dull. I would advise them to change the background color and add more photos of the shop as this would add to the number of those who trust the products. This organization shows the procedure and strategy of having a successful business and elaborates the importance of having goals for oneā€™s business through maximizing on its strengths and taking every opportunity that is present within the location which it operates.


  • Bradshaw, W., Cammett, J., & Panera Bread (CafeĢ). (2004). The Panera Bread cookbook: Breadmaking essentials and recipes from America’s favorite bakery-cafeĢ. New York: Clarkson Potter.
  • Schermerhorn, J. R. (2010). Exploring management. Hoboken, N.J: Wiley.
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