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An analysis of “Inception” movie

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George Bernard Shaw said that life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself. It is undeniable that human existence is the bottomless ocean that includes such things as strengths and weaknesses; internal experiences, and wishes. We may state that we are masters of our life and destiny. There are cases, when we are subjected to impact of other people. According to the psychological investigations, such phenomenon helps us overcome difficulties and become invincible.

It is common fact that nobody can interfere in our inner world. It means that we have own space where we “collect” our thoughts or wishes. As it turned out, it is possible to influence the dreams and thoughts of other people, and a film “Inception” proves it. We don’t have an intention to retell plot of this cinematic masterpiece. The most significant thing that you are required to know is that the movie “Inception” transports you to the world not where thieves steal money but sleep. You can plunge into the deep philosophical context of the essence and importance of dreams; moreover, it will teach you how to guard your night thoughts.

According to survey, the film and its scenario are rich in different hidden plots. This fact makes the question related to its main idea controversial. In connection with the fact that this movie is science fictional, we can single out its various characteristics that deserve attention. Critics confirm that Christopher Nolan aimed to show new virtual reality and invoke people to investigate it. We have found one more feature that is not less important and unique; we are speaking about the terminology of “Inception.” Do not be afraid of boring terms as we want to illustrate the broad literary devices that are hidden in the essence of daily and simple words.

Let’s get started! We hope that it will be not only exciting but also useful because you have the opportunity to find out mysteries that were not revealed in the film.

It is undeniable that you will be pleasantly surprised by the idea the movie has. You should be acquainted with the unique system of terms and concepts that characterizes the process of the inception into the minds.

• The Architect – a specialist that creates a world of the dream. He aims to organize the realistic extract of dream so that the person who sleeps cannot distinguish it from the reality. He creates a convoluted maze, and a victim cannot easily escape; the characters Nash and Ariadne were the architects at the first scene the director made. It is fascinating to learn the way they want to set the reality.

• The Forger – is a master of reincarnation; he can be in one’s shoes in a dream. Another key thing to know is that he manipulates other people; it is his primary function in the film.

• Inception – it is a process of the development of a new idea and transporting it into the consciousness of other people. It seems impossible as human brain rejects unknown things.

• The Kick – process that gives opportunity to be locked in dream of another person. The only way to embody the Kick was to roll somebody over. So, a man becomes away from reality.

• Limbo – this is the deepest level of consciousness where time is infinite. If you are the hostage of Limbo, you cannot wake up naturally; a person loses the sense of real life and stays in the dream forever. Limbo is dangerous – it ruins brain cells.

• Projection – exists in an idea; we compare it with reflection of psyche. Person controls projection till the time when somebody interferes in dream.

• The Dreamer – he is an owner of dream; person who sleeps; exactly his consciousness is the target of Inception.
Can you guess what the audience of the film is? The masterpiece indicates the whole idea the humankind has. The use the “Inception” essay example has is extensive because people learn more about the specifics of an inner world.

So, everything is possible.


  • “Inception (2010) Full Movie – HD 1080p.” Genvideos, genvideos.org/watch?v=Inception_2010.
  • “Plot.” IMDb, IMDb.com, www.imdb.com/title/tt1375666/plotsummary.
  • “Inception.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 11 Dec. 2017, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inception.
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