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Ethics Argumentative

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1. Consider the importance of ethics in a business organization and reflect for a moment on the ethical culture of an organization that you have worked for in the past. How would you describe this culture? A company I worked for in the past has their corporate ethics policy but it is very vague and not detailed in writing, which has given room to take advantage of it. In general most people knew the common sense of ethical culture and obligations a company owes to its employees which is shaped by two important factors. First, workplace policy must be in harmony with all laws and regulations that are currently in force in the jurisdiction where the business operates.

This helps to ensure that basic workplace ethics preclude any pressure or coercion to engage in actions that are considered to be illegal, promote discrimination in the workplace, support unfair hiring and firing practices, or allow wages to be set that are below the minimum legal standards for the area. I strongly disagreed in how there is no way for management personnel can see which employee is doing a better job than another employee by just liking them more because that happened and allowed. Coined term is favoritism at its best but no way in measuring what makes that employee better except by the work metrics and how management felt about the person.

2. (Linked to question #1 above) Were the written rules of ethical behavior in this organization the same as the unwritten rules? No; they were not the same because what was written rules was the obligation from company to employees and employee to employee relations. Written rules were strictly very cut and dry. While, unwritten rules are often recognized and discussed through meetings, common sense and corporate sent out emails. Most people already know that the unwritten and written rules of corporate culture is a standard to not do anything as an employee that would be considered a risk to your employer. Example; embezzlement, stock frauds, stealing, or any other violations that can affect your employer financial or personnel health.

3. (Linked to question #1 above) How did this ethical culture affect your work performance and morale? In many ways it has affected my performance and morale because if your part of the team and followed the culture you will know your security boundaries and what you can and cannot do. When I was promoted, the business ethical culture itself become more in what I can do and what I am obligated to do to satisfy my superiors. Sometimes the business ethics aspect can be stretched and far outweigh the standard code of ethics that is written.

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