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Proud to Be Malaysians

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Malaysia? Where is the situation of the country of Malaysia in the map of the world? I can’t explain in here because i’m already know the sea of people in this world know where is Malaysia and what special in Malaysia. I’m the one of Malaysian. I am proud to be a Malaysian from my old time until the rest of my life. That i swear and i always save the word. For one more time, i am proud to be a Malaysian. I am proud to be a Malaysian because our country has been independent from the outside colonies.

I also feel very lucky to live in Malaysia because the country was fortunate to secure and prosperous. I was fortunate to have Prime Minister because he has a fair and equitable of folk in Malaysia. To show my love for my country and my proudly i am willing to sacrife for maintaining the security of Malaysia. I urge the people of Malaysia have the spirit of patriotism. I feel proud to be the son of my country from my first breath until the rest of my life. Malaysia has people of various races and relegions.

Although various races and relegions , Malaysians can live in peace and harmony until now. In addition, Malaysia is a country that is unique because people have a varied and interesting customs. When it’s the festive season, Malaysians will jointly celebrate without knowing race and relegion. However, Malaysian also has leaders who are competent and have high patriotism. I am proud to have leaders who lead the country of Malaysia shall not practise favoritism. Malaysia is a multi ethnic, multi culture and multi lingual society.

In relegious terms it is predominantly Islamic, but with strong Christian, Buddhist and Hindu communities. Figure from 2007, the population consisting 62% Bumiputera, 24% Chinese, 8% Indians with others minorities along with foreigner. The country’s language is Bahasa Malaysia, although we can live in peace and harmony. Understanding is very important for our Malaysians to maintain the harmony and peace of our country. I am proud to be a Malaysian because Malaysia is a constitutional monarchy in south-east Asia consisting thirteen states and three federal territories.

The country is separated by South China Sea into two regions. I am proud to be Malaysian because Malaysia rich with destination for holiday such as Langkawi Island, Kinabalu Mountain, Niah Cave, Rajang River, Labuan Island and the others place can rest our mind. Conclusion, I am proud to be a Malaysian and I hope all of Malaysians have a same feel with me too. Malaysia is the peace and harmony country and very hard to find the other country live in peace and harmony such as Malaysia. Malaysia still independent until 55 years and I hope the terrorist never come again.

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