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Reviewing the Challenges of Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood

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Today adolescence is a very difficult period of time in a person’s life. To me this part of my life sucks and I wish it would progress quicker. When you become a teenager everything about you changes, whether it is your physical appearance, personality or emotions. I’ve figured out that all of these things change because of the environment that you live in and also the people that surround you. These three things play a very important part in my life and I try my best to keep it well balanced, unlike some teenagers. When you change your friends also start too change and a set of events take place.

Friends have a big influence on our lives, but sometimes they push us to do things we may not want to do. The first step to standing up to peer pressure is to understand it, which many of us teenagers don’t really know how to do without worrying about what to say and how to go about it. So what we need is role model’s! To help us decide and guide us which way to go in our future to make it the right one for you. It’s tough being a teenager, always have to go to school and make the right decisions, choosing friends carefully and making sure you don’t end up in the wrong crowd. You can be really close with a person or hate their guts for one tiny mistake they did in the past. Sometimes you can be neglected by your peers for just being who you are. It’s ridiculous to see the amount of teenagers getting picked on for being who they really are to society. It’s boring if we are all the same, why can’t we be different without having someone else to judge us. Bullying has been a problem for many years between adolescents with their peers making it harder to stop violence. Adolescents who are bullied have certain characteristics which make them easily targeted.

Victims of bullies can suffer both short term and long-term effects. Short term, they can become depressed, lost interest in school work, or even avoid going to school. The effects of bullying can persist into adulthood. Bullying causes violence in many victims which makes it sad because no adolescent needs to feel violence is necessary. . Adolescents develop a lot of emotional stress in this period of the lifespan and need someone to talk to. They feel depressed and lonely when they have nobody to talk to them and this causes anti-social behavior and maybe even suicide attempts. As young, middle, and late adolescents we are unique as individuals, we also have a number of common experiences. Common experiences allow us to have some predictive power relating to our own futures. Teenagers can brace themselves for unavoidable negative life changes. If we are lucky we can prepare ourselves to take advantage of our opportunities. By reviewing the past challenges of our teenage lives helps us prepare for an emerging adulthood.

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