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Speaking in Public

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1.Speakers should focus on the message they are expressing more so than how the audience is responding to the message. – False
2.Messages are usually transmitted from sender to receiver through audience and listener channels. – False
3.Smiles, head nods, eye contact, and clapping from audience members are all forms of feedback.
4.An ethical speaker considers the moral impact their ideas and arguments have on their listeners.
5.“Care and concern for others, the thoughtful use of words and language, and the flexibility to see the many sides of an issue” is civility.
6.Public speaking is more likely to be planned.
7.Which of the following best characterizes intrapersonal communication? – Communication that goes on in our heads.
8.The means by which the message is conveyed in the public speaking process is known as channel.
9.Physical sounds that interfere with communication are called noise.
10.Channels are the visual and auditory means by which a message is transmitted from sender to receiver.
11.Noise is anything that interferes with the communication of a message.
12.When entering the public dialogue, we need to recognize that certain speaking styles are superior over others. – False
13.Public speaking is an isolated individual act, where there is little to no involvement from the audience. – False
14.Audiences dictate the choices each speaker will make when preparing a speech. – True
15.If Pat is speaking to Chris about terminating their relationship, which type of communication would that interaction fall under? – Interpersonal communication
16.When the audience nods their heads as the speaker presents information, they are providing the speaker with feedback.
17.Misty is presenting a speech in class. Shawn is having trouble listening to Misty because he is worried about a test in his next class. This is an example of noise.
18.What is the most important element in the public speaking process? – Audience
19.Communication among members of a team or a collective about topics such as goals, strategies, and conflict is group communication. Chapter 3 – Listening

1.The active process of attending to and understanding a spoken message is listening.
2.Even when we are listening carefully, we usually grasp only about 50.
3.Which of the following is one of the four major causes of poor listening discussed in the text. – Focusing on a speaker’s appearance and delivery
4.In class and the workplace, an individual will spend more time listening than speaking. – True
5.Concentrating on details is an excellent way to become a better listener. – False
6.Note taking is usually a barrier to effective listening. – False
7.If you disagree with a speaker, you have nothing to gain by listening. – False
8.It is impossible to listen too hard. – False
9.Personal Concern is usually a barrier to effective listening. – True
10.Listening is a passive process, while critical thinking is an active process. – False Chapter
8 – Supporting Materials

1.Quoting yourself in a speech test illustrates which of the following? – Personal testimony
2.If you are interested in finding the midpoint of the set of data, you are looking for the median.
3.Former president Ronald Reagan was well known for incorporating these stories into his speeches to expertly make a point in a personal way. – Narratives
4.A speaker uses the following information in a speech: “Suppose you skipped breakfast this morning. What would happen to your energy level by 9 or 10 o’clock? You’ll probably feel bored or restless, and maybe sad or unmotivated.” This information best illustrates which of the following? – Hypothetical example
5.When you use testimony in a speech, it is acceptable either to paraphrase or to use a direct quotation. – True
6.The denotative meaning of a word is the dictionary definition of a word. – True
7.The mode is the number that occurs most frequently in a group of numbers. – True
8.It is seldom necessary to name the people you quote or paraphrase in a speech. – False
9.If you quoted your cousin about her experience digging for dinosaur bones last summer, you would be using peer testimony.
10.A narrative is a story or anecdote that provides an example of an idea, issue, or problem a speaker is discussing.
11.An unelaborated example, often only a sentence or two long, is called a/an brief illustration.
12.What is the median in the following set of numbers: 200, 300, 500, 600, 600? – 500
13.Expert testimony is an opinion offered by someone who is an authority on a subject.
14.To use statistics effectively you should use reliable sources.
15.Reliable sources of statistics include all of the above.
16.When using opinions effectively you should identify your sources.
17.Types of opinions include all of the above.

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