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A Summary of Salvation by Langston Hughes

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“Salvation” was written by Langston Hughes. This story is about when Hughes going on thirteen, he was saved from sin. However, his not really saved. Church had had a special meeting for children. The meeting was about to bring the young sinner who had not yet been brought to Jesus. He was waiting for a light. Because he’s aunt and many great old people told him that when his saved he will saw a light, and something happened to him inside, and Jesus will came to his life. God would be with him from then on. So he was waiting for God to come to him. However, he was waiting and waiting, but nothing happened. Finally all the children had gone but only him and a boy called Westley were still wait for Jesus to come. It’s getting late, they were still waiting. Finally, Westley said to him that he doesn’t want to wait anymore, then he just get up and saved. Westley told a lie and left, so now Hughes was all alone on the mourner’s bench. His aunt and other prayers came and sat around him, they pray for him. Hughes still waiting.

He wanted to see him, unfortunately, nothing happened to him, he didn’t see the light. His aunt cried because Jesus didn’t come to see Hughes. It’s getting really late. Hughes started to blame himself for holding everybody up so long. He now wanted to know what Jesus thought about Westley. The one who didn’t see God either. Westley told a lie, but nothing happened to him. God didn’t punish him. So Hughes lie, too. He got up and be saved. The last lamp of God finally be saved. Everybody were so happy. However, in that night, Hughes cried. Alone in the bed. His aunt heard that, and told his uncle he cried because he saw Jesus today. He couldn’t tell her the truth—he didn’t see Jesus. He couldn’t tell anyone that he had lied. From that time, Hughes didn’t believed there was a Jesus any more because he didn’t come when he needed help.

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