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International Banking and Finance

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The Masters in International Banking and Finance course from the University of Northampton is the right fit for my ambitions because of it’s overall academic excellence combined with the right practical exposure.Particularly, the corporations in the UK would give me the opportunity to put to use the theoretical knowledge attained, and to achieve my career goal of attaining heights in the International Banking arena.

The reason I chose to study management in my undergraduate was that I was always fascinated by the behaviour and relation between firms and people in an economy from various perspectives:financial, economic and managerial. In the recent years, the Financial world has undergone a deep transformation and continues to change rapidly, also changing the dynamics of the global economies. Hence,I am perfectly poised to gain a deeper understanding of the finance and Banking from a global perspective ,also putting to test my experience in the Indian Banking industry

Academically, I’ve been regarded as a bright student, having earned first class honours in the Undergraduate studies.I have always been strong in the areas of analytical thinking, problem solving and quantitative analysis,which was put to use in my work experience of five years in the Banking industry. I have worked with organisations like Axis Bank, Religare Macquarie Private Wealth and ICICI Bank, where I worked in the capacity of a wealth manager and handled both banking andinvestment relationships for clients.The nature of work included portfolio management, financial planning , cash management, asset allocation in addition to their banking requirements

Apart from the Academic interests, I also have a substantial extra curricular experience. I have been instrumental in forming various clubs, including the movie and photography clubs in college.Additionally, I have been in the organising committees of the intranet and inter college festivals. I have also been very actively involved in teaching English and Mathematics to the local underprivileged children in the society.I have also very actively participated in the various debates and seminars organised by at the school and college level.

I wish to understand and increase my existing knowledge of finance and investments , and the global banking environment.My short term career goals Include working with an international investment bank in the area of investment analysis, mergers and acquisitions and strategic planning,on a global parlance.In the longer term, I aim to work with the World Bank or organisations such as the United Nations in designing, implementing and monitoring policies.

I am confident that I am well equipped to undertake the Masters in International Banking and Finance program at your University , and thank you for your consideration

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