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Objectives content and intended outcomes of learning activities

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  • Pages: 3
  • Word count: 722
  • Category: Learning

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1.1 Explain the objectives, content and intended outcomes of learning activities as agreed with the teacher In order to fulfil my role in supporting the teacher and learning activities I need to be clear on what learning objective is and how the teacher would like this to be achieved. On occasions the objective maybe half termly and be part of an ongoing topic, however before each lesson I still discuss the learning objective with the small group I have. I always go through the learning objective with the children and explain how they can achieve it, some of these children do not always listen and one of them has hearing problems anyway (she wears a hearing aid, but when I’m talking to her I make sure she can see my lips). Nearly all the children I work with in this group benefit from having hands on resources to help their understanding e.g. multi link and for counting to 100 a number square so that they can see the numbers. As I have worked with these children for a short while, I am not too sure, what they can and cannot achieve so there for I am aware of the boundaries as a teaching assistant, so I make sure that the children have their work checked by the teacher before they can move onto the next task.

I praise the children constantly when I work with them and they do work to the best of their ability so they are awarded a bumblebee, this gives them great sense of achievement. If I think they are struggling, I will report it to the class teacher and the next time she will give them some work, which is achievable thereby boosting their confidence. On the other hand, if a child finds the work to easy I will report back and they will be given something more challenging. At the end of the term the children are given assessments to do this is to see how they are progressing and it helps the teacher to plan for future learning. At the end of the activity, I done with the group I ask them how they think they have done. Was it difficult or easy and whether they enjoyed it or not, so I need to make sure who is saying what so I can report back to the teacher as this gives a good insight of where they are at, and what she can do to move them on. *IN CLASS

First of all the teacher would sit with the class and explain what they had to do which was doing addition up to 70 so she give them an example by using 30+40=70 and the other way round. During this time, she was picking children out and asked them to give her an example which most of them could manage she then asked them if they understood, and they had to do this as many ways as they could using different numbers to make 70 and to help them they could use multi links number squares. The teacher asked me if I would take a small group and their target was 20, as they will not be able to manage any higher. Therefore, I sat them round the table with multi-links as I thought these would be easier then I give them an example.

I have 5 multi links at one side and 15 at the other so I said, if I have 5+15 cubes how many do I have, so we all counted them together and we got 20, so I told them to write that down 5+15=20, they then were to get 20 cubes each, and we need to make as many addition as we can. As I sat watching I noticed a couple were struggling so I asked if they were managing, which they weren’t, so I done an easier addition with them 3+7=10 they managed great so I told the two just to as many additions as they could to 10 which was no problem for them. Therefore, the objective was to be able to add to a value of 20 using different ways and the outcome was out of the five in the group only three could manage to 20 and the other two to 10.

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