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The importance of research philosophy

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The case study approach to conducting research is on the rise because of the abundance of secondary data available because of the availability of the internet and in a way the sourcing and recording or referencing of the where you have gathered your information from is traceability in some shape or form. Therefore, you will see how important it is to know where your information comes from to establish credibility and valid source of reasoning also to determine a foundation or a theory to expound or elaborate on.

Therefore, the case study approach to the nature of this research is very suitable to not only validate the components of the case study under analysis but to create and build a solid foundation for the exploration of the different research questions to be answered soundly and substantially. It has often been observed (e.g. Benbasat et al., 1987) very accurately that no single research methodology is intrinsically better than any other methodology. My over-riding concern is that the research undertaken should be relevant to the research question. This research involves an element of technology transfer, as well as capturing the technology that was previously installed in case.

This make the research philosophy has to be logical, conceivable and practical. Along the lines of this reasoning, the case study approach to discover how e-traceability can be accomplish in Jamaica through the use of information technology managed by the project management concepts, strategies and practices will and should yield feasible and practical results. However, for now the ‘how” aspect of the case study of this research can be successful, based on this research methodology. In essence the positivist approach is being undertaken which is popular in the western tradition of science which is term epistemology in terms of know to work in one situation and taking the concept to an unknown and yielding or expecting the same result.


Excellent detail on implementation process Lack of detail about data collection methodology, Clear research objectives stated. Poor explanation of site selected for research. Possible explanations were provided for the outcomes measured. Inadequate explanation of where research lies in the knowledge building process, and therefore, inadequate explanation of research

Causal links between outcomes were suggested The use of triangulation to increase reliability of results was seldom encountered It is apparently clear that some of the weaknesses and strengths directly oppose one another. Separate and apart from the restrictions listed above are also there is strengths which shows the contrast in the case study approach and clearly you can derive how balance the approach is although the weakness are stated and seem major, they are not challenges but more of an opportunity to build on the finding of previous cases with similar pre requisite and requirements to be implemented.

One of the major steps in project management is to plan and with the element of reviewing previous project to have an idea of the risks or challenges that may be encountered with the objective to minimise, mitigate and alleviate these issues and with the case study approach the limitations are no different.
By understanding the usefulness and limitations of each type of research methodology it is easily possible to overcome at least part of the reproach directed against the case study.

A hallmark of case study research is the use of multiple data sources, a strategy which also enhances data credibility (Patton, 1990; Yin, 2003). What have been presented in the research methodology chapter is a detailed account of the research development, philosophy, strategy and methodology according that which will and shall guide how the research was conducted. The research is in the positivist. Previous literature found was describing the embedded case study was valuable and identified the salient points in the case study. The methodology used also illustrated the weaknesses associated with earlier research.

Although, fewer materials concerning action taken or improvement in research are readily available. Regardless the case study methodology has been subjected to scrutiny and criticism at various times since the 1930’s. As a research tool, it has been a choice that is listed in the major research texts so the use of case study is the preferred choice. The literature or case study being analysed, while not extensive, contains specific guidelines and salient topics for the researcher to follow in carrying out embedded case study.

The case study method can be a creative alternative to traditional approaches to description (quantitative descriptive and descriptive correlational descriptive designs). The approach taken has the potential to deal with simple all the way through to complex situations. It enables the researcher to answer “how” and “why” type questions, which is exactly what is being determined with the research topic while taking into consideration how a phenomenon is influenced by the context within which it is situated. There is a great demand, especially in the field of management science, for research which is able to build knowledge from observation of phenomenon within a contextually rich environment this research is one such that exemplifies these sound reasoning.

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